Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Buy Cheap Coffee

Website that promotes saving money and showing you how to buy cheap coffee.


Buy Cheap Coffee Slide Presentation

Slide presentation highlighting the benefits to buy cheap coffee.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Dusty Rhodes Story

The Dusty Rhodes Story
Rhodes, Dusty- this name came up in a conversation last week with a guy at work.  We got on the subject of watching old school pro-wrestling and started spouting off random names like Jimmy Snuka, Superstar Billy Graham, and then Dusty Rhodes came up.  

That sparked a memory of mine from the early eighties when I lived in Florida, The American Dream was the top wrestler of the time and the biggest draw to the TV set and live events.

A few days later, this same coworker turns me on to WWE - The American Dream - The Dusty Rhodes Story he has in his collection. It’s a box set that took me back to when I was 12 years old watching the greatest promo-interviews being given by Dusty and featuring full matches from his heyday, even television appearances that I remember in Georgia Championship Wrestling on TBS with Gordon Solie as the host.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What My Father-In-Law Gave Me

Keeping up with the 'What My Father-In-Law Gave Me Tonight' series, I am doing a little catch up.  In this article, the item I was given was actually gifted to me a few years ago.

My Father-In-Law bestowed upon me something that would be filed in the category of  "you'll never know when you'll need it", or "you'll probably never use it but at least it's out of my house."