Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What have been your scariest dreams?

Second day of Life Listed asked this question so here is one that I remember from childhood.

This dream I remember to be the scariest that came to me when I was around 7 or 8 years old.  We had a very nice Japanese man living around the corner from us.  He never really talked much but he would walk the neighborhood every day.  
 In the seventies, living in suburban Kentucky you didn’t see many Japanese people. So he was novel to me to say the least.

Anyway, one night I woke up in a sweat and crying.  I had dreamed that this man had grabbed me while I was walking down the street and kidnapped me in his basement.  I remember him wearing a drab olive or tan uniform and speaking a language that I didn’t understand.  And for some unknown reason there was a red dachshund, wiener dog involved somehow.  

The only English words I could understand from him were “I will kill you.” I also remember seeing myself curled up in his basement crying in terror.  Then as quickly as it came, I woke up to realize that it was just a dream.  After that night, whenever I saw him walking down the street, I didn’t wave and always went back to my own yard to play in safety. 

 Funny, how dreams shape your feelings in reality. After all, that man had never done anything to me in real life. Good or bad.  He was just there taking up the same space as me.  Yet I let the dream determine how I would feel about him until I moved from that neighborhood years later.

Have any scary dreams of your own.  Comment and share them.

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