Saturday, January 1, 2011

What are the books you would most likely suggest to a friend?

I received an unusual calendar this year as a gift from a coworker.  The calendar is called Life Listed:  List your way through the year.  I thought it to be a very novel gift but see how anyone would not have the drive to stay with it and actually list the answers to each daily question.  

I am going to make this one of my New Year’s resolutions.  Complete the list question each day and post the results right here.  If you want to follow along subscribe to my RSS feed.  Then we will take a look at the progress made on January 1, 2012.

Today’s question was in the title:  What are the books you would most likely suggest to a friend?

I thought about this and came up with some books that I have already read and some that I would like to read.  My recommendations to friends would differ though because I have a diverse group of friends as most of us do.  Anyway, enough babbling by me; let’s get on to the list.

·         Autobiography of Mark Twain, Vol. 1 – This is actually a book that I intend on reading this year.  Because of the intrigue and common sense ways that Samuel Clemens describes applies today as it did in the turn of the last century.

·         Sex Money Kiss- Gene Simmons- I have read this book many times.  Being a fan of the band Kiss growing up in the 70’s this book takes the approach of explaining life outside of the fantasy and really a how to book on business and relationships, and how Gene did it in Kiss. 

·         Think Big- Donald Trump- Love him or hate him. He’s done a lot of things right in his life and if I can absorb a trait or two from his mind maybe I’ll be a little closer to the big time.
·         Linchpin: Are you indispensible? - Seth Godin- Another book that I intend on reading but anything this guy writes is good stuff.

·         Crush it! - Gary Vaynerchuck- Finding your passion and doing something about it is the storyline to this book. This would be the book to begin on January 1 of any year.

·         Super System, Doyle Brunson- If you are a poker player which many of my friends are, you must read Doyle’s timeless instruction on the many varieties of games played in almost every casino.

·         Total Money Makeover, Dave Ramsey- Some of my friends could use a book like this to get their hands wrapped around their debt issues.  Without trying to over step my boundaries I would typically just refer this book to them.

·         The Power of the Subconscious Mind, Joseph Murphy- I have read this book cover to cover over 100 times.  This is quite possibly my favorite book of all time.  It gives me instruction on how to handle most any problem or situation that could occur.  Whether it be health, wealth, relationship issues, or anything that you could think of is taught how to get the outcome you desire.  This book was written in the 1950’s and each scenario given as examples seems as current as if it were today.

There you have 7 books I would most likely suggest to a friend.  As you can see it’s a varied list covering different approaches.  Do you have any books you would suggest to a friend?  Comment and let us know.

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