Saturday, February 5, 2011

What My Father-In-Law Gave Me

Keeping up with the 'What My Father-In-Law Gave Me Tonight' series, I am doing a little catch up.  In this article, the item I was given was actually gifted to me a few years ago.

My Father-In-Law bestowed upon me something that would be filed in the category of  "you'll never know when you'll need it", or "you'll probably never use it but at least it's out of my house."
I tried to recall the conversation we had where my need for a half of a roll of cling wrap, or shrink wrap to the lay person, ever came up.  I don't do a lot of packaging or wrapping items but I have got to believe that I must have mentioned it at least once.

At the end of the visit at my In-Laws house is the usual time of presentation of such items.  And as sure as the Sun will rise tomorrow, there it was in my hands, one half roll of polyethylene. It is typically used for securing items such as overloaded pallets to ensure that the contents wouldn't fall off of the skid during transport or movement.

It is also used in meat departments of grocery stores to wrap trays of steaks, chops, or even hamburger tightly preventing air contact and keeping the meat as fresh as possible. (That reminds me, I have a funny story about my Father-In-Law when he worked in a meat department that I will tell about later.)

Back to my roll of shrink wrap.  As you can see there is a tremendous value in a roll like this.  The only unfortunate thing is that I don't work in a warehouse or grocery store.  So... my uses are pretty limited.

But as you can plainly see in the picture, I still have that roll in case I ever need it.  And its not in my Father-In-Law's house either. It's sitting in my garage.

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