Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Dusty Rhodes Story

The Dusty Rhodes Story
Rhodes, Dusty- this name came up in a conversation last week with a guy at work.  We got on the subject of watching old school pro-wrestling and started spouting off random names like Jimmy Snuka, Superstar Billy Graham, and then Dusty Rhodes came up.  

That sparked a memory of mine from the early eighties when I lived in Florida, The American Dream was the top wrestler of the time and the biggest draw to the TV set and live events.

A few days later, this same coworker turns me on to WWE - The American Dream - The Dusty Rhodes Story he has in his collection. It’s a box set that took me back to when I was 12 years old watching the greatest promo-interviews being given by Dusty and featuring full matches from his heyday, even television appearances that I remember in Georgia Championship Wrestling on TBS with Gordon Solie as the host.

I watch it tonight and found that this DVD set is awesome.  I don’t want to give it back.  I want to watch it over and over again.  In the promo-interviews there are infamous Dusty Rhodes quotes, Dusty Rhodes vs all of the big names of the times, and even the Dusty Rhodes Theme is recalled.

Rhodes Dusty Quotes
“I’ve wined and dined with kings and queens, and I’ve slept in alleys and dined on pork and beans”
“The little plumber's son who come out of the ditch at 8 years old and became so sweet!”
“The man of the hour, the man with the power.”
“I am the hit maker, the record breaker.”
“I'll make your back crack and your liver quiver.”
“If you don't dig this mess you're at the wrong address.”
“Everyone in the back is laughin’ and jokin’, the American dream is out front cookin’ and smokin’.”
“I've got a ten for you (holding up both fists) five and five.”
“Funky like a monkey.”
“Too sweet to be sour, live and in color.”

Dusty Rhodes vs …
Dusty Rhodes took on all the big names in wrestling at the peak of the 80’s.  These matches were the main card draw in most of the arenas.  Matches like Dusty Rhodes vs:
Harley Race
Tully Blanchard
Ric Flair
Lex Luger
The Road Warriors
Randy Savage
And more 

Dusty Rhodes Theme
There was even a Dusty Rhodes theme song that I think was recorded by Aretha Franklin call ed The American Dream.  Listen here:  Dusty Rhodes Theme 

The Highlights of The Dusty Rhodes Story DVD
In this DVD set the American Dream Dusty Rhodes is chronicled by three DVDs produced by WWE Home Video.  The box set features the life documentary of Rhodes, Dusty promos and interviews, and of course some of the definitive matches that shaped his career, in full length.

  • ·         Documentary of the life of Dusty Rhodes
  • ·         Full Length Classic Matches
  • ·         Dusty Rhodes Promos and Vignettes

Documentary of the life of Dusty Rhodes
Disk one is a recount of the early days of a son of a plumber entering his destiny and taking charge of the American Dream.  Dusty’s rise to fame, bumps taken on the road, and reaching legendary status are presented on this segment.

Full Length Classic Matches
Disk two gives you a firsthand look at how Rhodes’ rise to stardom was achieved.  Complete start to finish matches that take place from New York’s Madison Square Garden to Atlanta Georgia in the late 70’s and early 80’s are performed.  An introduction to the Dream in an interview is witnessed as Dusty shapes his trademark promo. 

Dusty Rhodes Promos and Vignettes
In this last disk of the set, you get an advanced education of the snappy interviews taunting the weekly opponent just prior to the big match up.  Listen for the famous Dusty Rhodes quotes and they are spewed like southern poetry with a lisp.

How much should you expect to pay?
The list price on WWE - The American Dream - The Dusty Rhodes Story
. The most consistent pricing we found is on Amazon
who consistently offers it at the $22 price range.

What comes shipped in the box?
Shipped to you is the boxed set of 3 DVDs with Region 1 format.  The set is rated TV14 and has an aspect ratio of 1.33:1.  The box itself opens like a book which is a little different set up than most box sets.

What others are saying about The Dusty Rhodes Story DVD
Receiving 4.2 star reviews on Amazon, this collection seems to be the one to own for Dusty Rhodes fans from old to new.
·         “Great buy real purists will love this one"
·         “One of the best from WWE on former wrestlers”
·         “a must own if you collect WWE biography DVDs”
·         “this dvd was everything I hoped for when I purchased it”
Some thought that highlights of rivalries and storylines were omitted as remembered in the 70’s and 80’s. The DVD was produced by WWE and I would imagine that as alluded to in the documentary, that the WWE would be paying premium dollars for that lost or rare type of footage to support all of the plots to support Dusty Rhodes vs. everyone in Florida.  

Where can you read more reviews?
The best place to read more about this DVD box set is from people who actually already bought one and have viewed it in their home.  Here is a link to their reviews. Reviews - The Dusty Rhodes Story

Wrapping it up
Watching this quality DVD of a tale that takes me back to my influential youth was a nice get away for me in my current life.  I would recommend this to anyone who was a fan of wrestling in the 70’s and 80’s especially fans of The American Dream Dusty Rhodes.

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