Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Are The Pets You've Had and Their Names

Life Listed Tuesday January 11, 2011

I have had many kinds of pets but can only recall the names of the dogs that I have owned. I don't think I really named each fish in the aquarium or even the lizards and iguanas that I had.

Now those dogs I remember.

My first pet ever was a little black mutt of a dog.  Resembling a black furred beagle dachshund mixture.  My Dad told me a story of him trading a pocket knife for him.  I named him Blackey, of course.

My second dog was when I was in my teens.  He was a beautiful golden retriever named Toma.  My Mom always referred to Toma in the feminine sense calling him, her and she.  Toma got pretty sick and we told my little sister at the time that Toma was going to live on a farm where he would have more room to run than our back yard.

My most recent pets were two little devil dogs named Jack and Buster, a chihuahua and Yorkshire terrier respectively. These two dogs got along together like they were from the same litter.  Unlike me and my ex-wife who kept the dogs during the divorce.  I miss those dogs.

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