Monday, April 6, 2009

Reason 1001 to Quit Smoking

Well I have tried on numerous occasions to quit smoking. I now have the 1001 reason. The straw that broke the camel's back.

I understand all of the health reasons related to smoking, I want to be around and healthy for my children and wife. Those reasons are the most important. But another reason to quit smoking just reared it's head.

Cigarette prices increased to almost Five Dollars a pack. I know if you live in NY, CA, or even Canada that doesn't compare to the $8/pack prices you pay. But I'm in KY where the majority of the tobacco is grown.

So I figure that saving $5/day will give me my own stimulus package of $1825.00 for the next year.

Day one is tomorrow. My method of quitting is prescription Chantix. I tried it before for about two months and was successful. I stopped taking it when everyone was talking about people killing themselves while taking the drug. I never felt like killing myself, my only side effects were extreme nausea if I didn't have a full stomach when I took it. And I had vivid dreams, not nightmares but just bright colored and vivid dreams.

I should have the same success this time around and stay off for good. I'll let you all know how its going.

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