Monday, April 20, 2009

Lucky Day 13 with Big Benefits

It's Day 13 of me being a non-smoker. I came across an article in one of my wife's magazines that gave some benefits of not smoking. Some were immediate some are more long term benefits.

Soon after my last cigarette I am healthier:

20 minutes after...My body starts ridding itself of nicotine, lowered blood pressure, and pulse rate starts getting closer to healthier levels.

12 hours after...My blood levels of carbon monoxide drop to normal levels and are less toxic.

1-9 months after...My lungs are continually improving in strength. I am experiencing less coughing and shortness of breath.

1 year after...I have reduced my risk for heart disease by more than half.

10 years after my last cigarette... My odds of getting lung cancer are reduced to half of those who smoke.

I am looking forward to being apart of this inspiring timeline and my 10 year anniversary.

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