Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Really Makes You Mad

It's not even the end of the month and I'm already behind on one of my resolutions.  Keeping up with the Life Listed Calendar each day answering the question with a list.

Thursday January 6, 2011 asked the question "What Really Makes You Mad?" Right off of the cuff you can start listing items until you fall asleep.  But when I read the question again and emphasized the word 'really,' that shed a different light on the query itself.
Stubbing your toe makes you mad at the fact that you feel pain, but that goes away after a while.  Wrecking your car will surely make for a bad day but you will eventually go out and buy a new one and the anger gone.

Answering this question makes you take a look inside yourself and is really asking what rage do you have built up inside when a certain event happens.  Fortunately for most of the population how we act on this rage is what keeps us out of prison.

Also being truly full of rage and angry over something is typically an event that we now have no control over.  And in my opinion, that lack of control is the fuel to the anger.

So what is it that really makes me mad...subtitle and have little or no control over.  I think its the same that most people feel.  I am mad that I didn't do different things early on in my life to make for a better one now.  Here is a list of common regrets that cause anger.

  • When I was 21why didn't I finish college and get the dream job. 
  • Why didn't I stay living with my parents longer
  • Why did I blow all of my money and not saved more of it.
  • I should have bought that house then 
  • I should have started my own business
This list could go on and on.  Being really mad for things you should have or could have done in the past doesn't accomplish anything now. As long as it doesn't hold you back from your dreams it's OK to be mad at yourself for a little while.  Long enough to give yourself a kick in the pants to keep going.  You're not dead now and still have a chance to accomplish anything on the list of should haves.

Another point of view is staying in control of what you can will reduce that rage and what really makes you mad.

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