Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What Vegetables Will You Not Eat

Life Listed January 8/9, 2011 I'm behind still trying to catch up.

There aren't many vegetables or any type of food for that matter that I won't eat.  I even like sushi, squid, and chicken livers.

But there is one vegetable that I will not touch and that is Brussel Sprouts.  I was a Chef in a past life and have the ability to make almost anything taste good including their great uncle, cabbage.

These little devils have not touched my mouth since I was 7 or 8 years old. I guess that is where my dislike for these green aliens stemmed from.

At the dinner table, my father made me eat them even after I told him that I didn't like them.  The same as most parents, me included, you have to determine if the child doesn't like the food or is afraid to try it.  So most of us parents demand that our children try new foods to find out which ones are disliked but also liked.

My father didn't have to 'make' me do most things as a child.  I pretty much went along for the ride.  But this particular area he went over the top making sure that I ate brussel sprouts.  Maybe its all psychological for me now but I still hate them.

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